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Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot Qui est-ce ?

Gal Gadot is a famous actress, producer and model. Her acting debut took place in her native Israel in 2007. Her career began to take an amazing turn in 2009. She is known for her acting prowess having played in the Fast and Furious franchise. But the main focus today is her superb role in Wonder Woman in 2017. Having won the lead role she has had a real, impact on society and the Marvel and DC heroic world combined. She will appear as the heroine for the first time in Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice released in 2016

Photo gal-gadot
Gal Gadot

Her struggle

Her line "Feminism is not about burning bras, hating men or growing armpit hair. It is simply about EQUALITY between men and women. We should all be feminists! It makes us aware once again of the fight we should not forget. She has worked with#MeToo and #SeeHer and received an award for it. The reason behind it all is her sense of justice and her actions have been numerous. From visits in disguise to colleges and various meeting places to meet young people. In order to make them aware of the donations to certain associations.

Gal Gadot wonder Woman
Gal Gadot wonder Woman

Her biggest struggle has been to increase the number of films made by women as a director, not for women but for the world. Recently she had an internal conflict with director Joss Whedon on the set of "Justice League" where she said he was disrespectful and threatened her career if she didn't shut up. But our dear Wonder Woman is not only disrespectful in the movies and does not regret having denounced the latter's inappropriate attitude. Several actors and actresses intervened to confirm these statements.

The place of women in the media

More and more we can see that the image of women on the screens is changing. Thanks to women and men fighting to change stereotypical images. Women like Gal Gadot , Emma Watson , Beyoncé , Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Oprah Winfrey are needed. Because "feminist messages from artists are even a good way to reach a different audience. . All these women are in different sectors on the screen yet are all fighting for the same cause - equality and an end to inequality, stereotypes, sexism and violence.

 livre Glossaire:

#MeToo : A social movement encouraging women to speak out to make rape and sexual assault known

#SeeHer : An award given to women at the Critics' Choice Movie Awards for their feminist actions to change things.

Associations :A group of people who join together for a specific purpose

stereotypical : An expression or opinion that is ready-made, without any originality, a cliché.

Women and comics

We will focus more specifically on two on two heroines from two major publishing houses. publishing houses.


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