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Women and comics:

Pop culture and feminism

Ladies and gentlemen, hello today we are going to talk about a pop culture and feminism.Pop culture plays an essential role in our perception of the world, our education and our relationship to ourselves and to others. It is a political and social issue. It takes up and encompasses societal issues and conveys images that condition us. For this we will take two rival deuxpublishing houses with various heroines and villains. I present you the DC and MARVEL houses through which we will see essentially the creation and the evolution of the characters.


First of all let's start with the first heroines that have lasted until now. Wonder Woman created by Charles Moulton, whose real name was William Moulton Marston. "Even girls won't want to be girls. As long as our female archétypes féminins manqueront de force, de vigueur et de puissance. Comme elles ne veulent pas être des filles. Elles ne veulent pas être tendres, soumises, pacifiques lack strength, vigour and power. As they don't want to be girls. They don't want to be tender, submissive, peaceful as good women are. The great qualities of women have been despised because of their weakness. The logical remedy is to create a female character. With all the strength of Superman plus the allure of a good and beautiful woman. So he created one of the first feminist heroines fighting for equality, democracy and faith in humanity. Wishing first of all to straighten out the criminals as well as the crime. Unfortunately, when her creator died, Wonder Woman's goals changed. In 1972 she was named a symbol of the feminist revolution

Wonder Woman

It is therefore understandable that our heroine was born for young women but has taken an important place in all our hearts. A press release will tell us: "Wonder Woman was conceived by Dr. Marston to promote a model of strong, free and courageous femininity among young people, to combat the idea that women are inferior to men, and to inspire young girls to be confident and successful in sports, activities and professions monopolized by men.

Wonder Woman


On the Marvel side, it was not until 1964 that the first comic book entirely dedicated to a woman was published. comics entirely dedicated to a woman. So they lost l'héritage This woman being Black Widow who started out as a villain before joining the good guys was a villain before joining the good guy team. Captain Marvel or even Scarlet witch, Tornado, Invisible Woman, Mystique or Gamora

Captain Marvel

Unfortunately at Marvel due to the late arrival of heroines, the essential feminists had already been won over by DC. This does not mean that they are losing their fight for gender equality in comics. equality within comics. It just means that the fight was already well underway.

Culture : The term Pop Culture is back in the spotlight. All news sites dedicated to cinema, video games, geek culture, web culture etc. now describe themselves as sites dedicated to Pop Culture

Feminism : A movement campaigning for the improvement and extension of the role and rights of women in society.

Publishing houses : A publishing house is a company or association whose original main activity is the production and distribution of books or formatted documents.

Archetypes : Original or ideal model on which a work is made

Humanity : All the characteristics by which a living being belongs to the human species, or is distinguished from other animal species

Forerunner : A person who, by his or her action, has more or less prepared the way for a doctrine or a movement or who has anticipated the exposition of a theory.

Legacy : What one has from predecessors, from previous generations, in terms of character, ideology, etc.

Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot also known for being the incarnation of wonder woman on on our screens. She is not only that, you can find out more about her here ...


An inspiring piece of work which our experts have made an effective summary for you.

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